The European Time Machine and Time Traveling Objects of Cultural Heritage
Keynote Speech on Wednesday, 29 April 2020, 5:30 pm
by Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert (FAU Erlangen) – A New Face!

© Time Machine Organisation
A New Age for Social Sciences and Humanities
As a European initiative, time machine has been able to build a large interdisciplinary network that operates internationally and locally (local time machines). Besides universities, many GLAM institutions and companies are involved. One focus is on 3D reconstructions of cities that are enriched with source material.
My presentation will also focus on mobile objects, works of art and artefacts of all kinds, which can be given history and attention through digitalization.
For more information on the TIME MACHINE EUROPE website.

Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert (Ph.D.des. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) is coodinator of the Digital Humanities
at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Before that she was employed as a project assistant in Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg, as well as a lecturer in the institute of art history in Erlangen. Her current research focuses on semantic concepts in ontologies and standard vocabularies as well as on the methods and history of science of the Digital Humanities.
Peter Bell (Ph.D. Marburg University, 2011) is assistant professor of Digital Humanities with a focus on Art History at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He was post doc at Heidelberg and Cologne University and research group leader at the Heidelberg Academy of Science and Humanities. Research interests are social groups in Renaissance, Digital Art History (Computer Vision) and Digital Humanities. Recent publications include Getrennte Brüder und antike Ahnen. Repräsentation der Griechen in der italienischen Kunst zur Zeit der Kirchenunion, 1438-1472 (2015) and Computing Art Reader. Einführung in die digitale Kunstgeschichte (2018).