Christa@GLAMhack21 : Capture – network – use regional treasures
Currently, a total of more than 7,300 objects from 17 museums and collections are presented in , and with a connection to Kulturpool Austria and Europeana, the objects can also be found on higher-level platforms.
Christa Zahlbruckner heads the EU projects I-Cult and Heritage SK-AT at Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich and coordinates the digital collection recording and online database DIP.noemuseen.
There are already treasures there and Christa will bring these treasures into the Kulturhackathon 21, because she and her colleagues ask themselves: How can collections be used further?

Models of the Erndt company, Photo: Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich, Graphic design: Anna Mattes
For example, we will have the digital collection of tiles from the stove tile manufactory Erndt in Kleinpöchlarn available: Since its foundation in 1791 until today, the stove tile manufactory Erndt in Klein-Pöchlarn designs, fires and glazes stove tiles. Stoves made by Erndt, the former supplier to the imperial and royal courts, can be found in private homes as well as in places steeped in history such as the imperial flats in the Vienna Hofburg. In 2018, 697 historic models from the museum’s own production were inventoried – from the late 18th century baroque to the present day. Throughout the decades, Klein Pöchlarn has seen many outstanding artistic achievements, as not only innovative master stonemasons but also master craftsmen have always worked here.

2017 still unprocessed stocks in the storerooms of the Erndt company.
Photo: Museum management Lower Austria
Artists of the Wiener Werkstätte were brought in to produce the patterns. The online catalogue now features objects that are otherwise stored exclusively in the depot. These contemporary witnesses to the history of ornament and pattern include mother and negative shapes, floral Art Nouveau motifs, geometric patterns as well as detailed leaves and blossoms and can now serve as a source of inspiration for new stoves and further projects. Managing Director DI Peter Hirner was our guest on the podcast to discuss the possibilities and explore visions. Listen to the Open_Culture_Cast. (only available in German)
The depots of Lower Austria’s regional museums are filled with exciting objects that reflect the cultural history of the province. In order to be able to report on this and the many individual stories, the Museum Management of Lower Austria organises, with the help of the DIP platform, the professional recording and digital indexing of the regional collections.
A large selection is already accessible online in the DIP catalogue and offers a research and cross-institutional comparison option. The online presentation also invites people to take a closer look at the museums’ holdings and to sift through the common cultural heritage and use it to create something new.
The spectrum of museum objects ranges from exotic shellfish and festive garments to precious clocks or everyday objects, and the data is constantly being edited and supplemented with additional collections.
The regional museums often house extremely interesting special collections. Only through digital recording and online presentation can these be compared on a supra-regional level and placed in context

Utilisation only with photo author’s name
Utilisation only Museum Management Lower Austria
With a thematic focus on craft pattern collections, the Heritage SK-AT project recorded Lower Austrian and Slovakian collections from 2018 to 2021. The aim was on the one hand to document models, patterns and forms and on the other hand to show how they can be further used and reinterpreted. Details on the collections and cooperations can be found in the publication „Kaleidoskop der Dinge“ .