We aim to create awareness in Austria about opportunities for cultural heritage and (digital) art through digital transformation and the right to open data regardless of location.
OpenGLAM.AT is a platform for the development of digital strategies and projects of a far-reaching network of Austrian cultural heritage institutions. GLAM is the abbreviation for Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums, where AT stands for the Austrian network in an international context. This platform has its origins in the Open Knowledge Foundation (okfn.at) and is currently run independently as a separate association. The association statues are public and can be accessed at any time. Numerous workshops, participation in conferences and congresses have expanded the network within Austria, which is why cooperation within this network is sought for numerous events and projects focusing on art and culture and digitisation.
As a lighthouse project, the cultural hackathon has already been held in 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021. Such cultural hackathons are also held in Switzerland and Germany. We, the OpenGLAM.AT network, are organising this event for Austria in order to work out our visions, projects and goals and are in close exchange with our international colleagues.
Via Blogposts and the podcast Open_Culture_Cast (only available in German)
The project leader, community manager and chairwoman Sylvia Petrovic-Majer works closely with the core team. The association is open to participation, following the principles of the open data movement to ensure open knowledge, participation and transparency.
The cultural hackathon is a format that took place in 2017 and 2018 and is usually held as a physical encounter. Due to the general ban of in-presence-events in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, the culture hackathon was held exclusively digitally in 2020 and 2021.
Following our strategic reflection in autumn 2021 we decided to initiate “smaller flames” in different locations, which is why we came to host one-day gatherings in Lilienfeld and Krems / Danube.
In 2023 we are happy to re-invite you all the the original gathering space at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences due to a strong partnership and cooperation throughout the years. We are looking forward diving deeper with you into a collaborative and initiating change environment again.
At the centre of the cultural hackathon is the real encounter from person to person, which despite digitisation is still a prerequisite for the development of innovative ideas. Encounter and dialogue are the basis of every society.

As founder of OpenGLAM.at, Sylvia Petrovic-Majer has been actively interested and involved in the digital transformation process of cultural heritage since 2013. As a bridge builder between science & research, technology and cultural heritage, she specialises in facilitating (work) groups, developing strategies and concepts and innovation processes. Her motivation is to design a livable future by bringing people together, which is why her outreach projects and activities are dedicated to future skills. Community management, participation, policy making and citizen science shape her activities and projects on a scientific sociological level in order to take as many people as possible along the way.

Kathrin Kratzer, MA studied art history, with a focus on baroque art, at the University of Vienna from 1994 to 2002 and completed postgraduate studies in “Iconographic analysis and digital image documentation” at Danube University Krems from 2002 to 2004. Since 2004 she has been working for the cultural department of Lower Austria in the areas of inventory, database maintenance (TMS) and image management.

Dr. Florian Wiencek is an expert at the interface of digital media and art & cultural education. He works at the Austrian Center for digital humanities and cultural heritage of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as a training officer and oversees the transfer of knowledge between research projects in the digital humanities and the specialist community and university teaching.

Dr. Sven Schlarb works as a scientist at the AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology. For more than 10 years, he has been working on topics related to the digitisation, archiving, provision and research of extensive collections and archival holdings. His main interest lies in the application of natural language processing methods (text mining) as well as linked data and semantic web technologies.

After her studies in art history, classical and Christian archaeology, Mag. Sabine Hartmann worked in various GLAM institutions in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, England and Austria. The focus of her work was on data-based digital projects such as OCR text recognition in historical newspapers, sound AR apps based on archival material, web archiving, collection databases, and much more. Through a coding bootcamp and then working as a programmer, she deepened her digital skills. Sabine has honed her ability to think innovatively and develop new concepts on many projects. She is proficient in successfully managing communication and outreach efforts in a global organisation. As a project manager, she has consistently succeeded in building strategic partnerships, bringing individuals and/or groups together, and achieving common goals.
Sincerely yours,
Your host and facilitator Sylvia
The cultural hackathon aims to make cultural heritage accessible. It should be brought closer to the people and increase their quality of life. Start-ups are being sought that produce innovative products to bring the value of cultural heritage and its utilisation closer to the population. Institutions network and interdisciplinary cooperation emerge.
The word hackathon is a combination of “hack” and “marathon” and thus describes the intensity and duration with which open data is used as the basis for projects. Hackathon participants are invited for 2.5 days to experiment with data from the cultural heritage fund, develop projects, design concepts and create prototypes.
At the end of the events, the small groups will present their projects and pitch them to the public. Sponsors and relevant partners will be invited to implement the project of their choice in order to achieve sustainable success …
The participants will be supported by technical and scientific mentors from the partner organisations in order to develop and implement strategies based on data from the field of arts and culture, which will influence the future of the arts and cultural landscape. Participation is free of charge, only travel and accommodation costs have to be covered by the participants themselves.
We strive to have as diverse a group as possible and therefore invite applications from people working in the fields of software development, art history, art education, science, museum management, project management and many others. No prior knowledge and no prior preparation is neccessary, just the readyness of sharing knowledge and diving deeper with us.
Everyone from 18 and up are welcome to join us and bring their expertise!
The entire event will be documented and the outcome will be shared with the public individually regarding its character (code, presentation, concept..).
We find this map of ours so beautiful that we continue to leave it online, because some of these places are relevant again this year:
The Cultural Hackathon 2023 will take place from 1-3 June 2023 at the FH St. Pölten and we are already guests in March at the #GRAZhack 2023 (16-18 March 2023) at the Graz Museum and also as an outdoor station at the Spektral:
Here are the current addresses:
FH St. Pölten
Campus 1, 3100 St. Pölten
We are happy to continue to support the Hackerspace in St. Pölten, please find the link below:
Segmentation Vault
Association for the dissemination and promotion of science and technology in society: https://segvault.space
Ludwig Stöhr Straße 8, 3100 St. Pölten
GRAZhack 2023:
Das Spektral
Lendkai 45 / TOP 1 / 8020 Graz (Entrance at the corner of Fellingergasse)
Archive of the XChange Reality and the Cultural Hackathon 2020:
MO // 27. April
16:30 The ZOOM room will be open! https://zoom.us/j/99342715183
17:30 Welcome by the Organisers: Franziska Bruckner (St. Pölten UAS), Thomas Moser (St. Pölten UAS), Sylvia Petrovic-Majer (OpenGLAM.at)
17:45 Opening
Hannes Raffaseder (St. Pölten UAS) and tba
18:15 – 19:15 Keynote Speech
Arturo Sanchez (CERN) – Effective Open Data&Soft! Knowledge Transfer that Boosts Computer Skills in the Americas
19:15 – 19:30 Break / Preparations for the Streaming
19:30 Netzpolitischer Abend (NetzPAT) Fokus: Digitaler Humanismus
Christopher Frauenberger(TU Wien): Digitaler Humanismus? Von unserer Verwobenheit mit Technologie und was wir vom Post-Humanismus im digitalen Zeitalter lernen sollten.
Martina Scholger(ACDH University of Graz): Digital Humanities – a BIT More! Wie digitale Methoden die Geisteswissenschaften bereichern.
Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert(FAU Erlangen): Digital 3H (Humanismus / Humanität / Humanities): ‚False Friends‘ oder Konzepte mit gemeinsamer Vision
Klaus Illmayer(ÖAW – ACDH-CH, Wien): Brauchen
die Digital Humanities einen digitalen Humanismus?
Eveline Wandl-Vogt(Ars Electronica Research Institute k4h, Linz / ÖAW – ACDH-CH, Wien): Actors & Algorithms: Humanity Centered Design für eine inklusive Zukunft
Offizielles Ende um ca. 21:00 Uhr
Mentorinnen und Mentoren des Kulturhackathons 2020:
- Natalie Denk (Center for Applied Game Studies, Donauuniversität Krems)
- Christian Erlinger (Wikimedia Austria & Büchereien Wien)
- Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Kathrin Kratzer (Collection of the Province of Lower Austria – Sammlung Niederösterreich)
- Alexander Rind (St. Pölten UAS)
- Arturo Sanchez Pineda (CERN)
- Sven Schlarb (Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien)
- Victor Oliveira (St. Pölten, UAS)
- Florian Wiencek (Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme OG, Wien)
DI // 28. April
09:00 – 12:00 Join, Listen and Contribute: Hackathon Sessions
13:30 – 15:00 Streaming Session I (https://zoom.us/j/99342715183)
XR for Museums & Cultural Heritage
· Gerhard Sprung and Agnesa Haxha (FH Joanneum): iFAR: mobileAR for Cultural Heritage
· Antonio Coelho, Maria van Zeller, Pedro Cardoso, Liliana Santos, Roberto Vaz and José Raimundo (University of Porto): Gamifying the Museological Experience
· Florian Wiencek and Anna Konrath (Fluxguide): What Smart Cities may learn from Museum Education.Curated Augmented Reality Storytelling
16:30 – 18:00 Hackathon Session
MI // 29. April
09:00 – 12:00 Join, Listen and Contribute: Hackathon Sessions
13:30 – 15:00 Streaming Session II (https://zoom.us/j/99342715183 )
XR for Industry & Healthcare
· Irene Reisner-Kollmann and Andrea Aschauer (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria): Design and Implementation of Asynchronous Remote Support
· Renan Luigi Martins Guarese, Emil Nilsson, Pererik Andreasson and Anderson Maciel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Halmstad University): A Proposal for Augmented Situated Visualization Towards EMC Testing
· Renan Luigi Martins Guarese, Victor Adriel de Jesus Oliveira, Aimee Calepso, Rafael Valer, Yhonatan Iquiapaza, Luciana Nedel and Anderson Maciel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences): E-mpathy and the Phantom Limb Sensation: A Multisensory Experience for Embodiment of Amputation
16:30 – 18:00 Hackathon Session
DO // 30. April
09:00 – 12:00 Join, Listen and Contribute: Hackathon Sessions
13:30 – 15:00 Streaming Session III ( https://zoom.us/j/99342715183 )
XR for Theatre & Animation
- Markus Wintersberger, Weiss Marcus Josef, Thomas Wagensommerer, Georg Vogt, Colleen Rae Holmes, Ulrich Kühn, Christian Munk and Julia Püringer (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Open Acting Academy): Wearable Theatre – Immersive Storytelling and Theatrical VR
- Frank Geßner (Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf): TESTeLAB & Guests: Expanded Animation Worlds (Work in Progress)
15:00 – 16:30 Hackathon Session – Streaming Presentations ( https://zoom.us/j/99342715183 )
16:30 – 17:00 Let’s celebrate together!!
17:00 – 18:00 Keynote ( https://zoom.us/j/99342715183 )
18:00 – 18:30 Closing by Hannes Raffaseder & the Organizers Franziska Bruckner, Thomas Moser & Sylvia Petrovic-Majer
many thanks at this point!
During the registration process you are asked to fill in your address. Please sign in with the address you are really available because we send you a small box for the collective celebration in advance.
This box will be sent to all the participants of the hackathon which are registered until 16 April 2020.
1st Hackathon Newsletter June 20I7
Hackathon 2018 Header
Harvest Cultural Hackathon 2020 Part 1
Extract from the register of associations
openGLAM Articles of Association
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Photo Attribution Cultural Hackathon sujet 2021
Photo by Vibhuti Gupta on Unsplash
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash